Southlight Gallery's address is 201 N Hogan St. Take the Skyway (free parking at Prime Osborne convention station) and get off at Hemming Plaza station and walk 1/2 block down Hogan to my showcase. SHARE THIS EMAIL WITH OTHERS! Your vote counts and your support ($) adds up when a crowd does it! A unique blend of art and education, help me tell others about our amazing park system!
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve above
Cumberland National Seashore above
Theodore Roosevelt Area above
Sketches for each of parks I want to paint next. Each frame has a park and attendees (who vote for my project) get to vote for which sketch of each of the 8 parks they think I should paint. Come and VOTE too!
Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park
Little Talbot Island State Park
Featured in First Coast Magazine!
I am also on a Skyway pylon outside the gallery. Tony Wood painted each of our gallery artist for our gallery One Spark Project "Face to Face". Very smurf-like
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